Hello all… I’m working on a LitRPG novel and I wanted to give you a taste… enjoy!
“DEX (DVN) -” Micah started, but the outburst from the Children cut her off “is us!” The four-year-old the nine-year-old and the 11-year-old ran up and circled Nieve.
“Our trial will measure your dexterity, your ability to move fast and react faster,” the 11-year-old said, then they backflipped at the same time and ran back to their places around her.
“It will determine how fast you run,” the four-year-old said.
“and how easy you get away from stuff,” the nine-year-old said
“and how easily you can sneak up on people,” the 15-year-old said from behind Nieve. She spun on a foot as the boy was saying the words and lowered into a fight stance.
“Where did you come from?” she said,
“With a high DEX, anywhere I like,” he said and the four children laughed.
“You’ll never be as good as us because we are Deveron,” the boy said as he walked around Nieve and back to his seat. She turned her body in time with his and realized that three little girls were already back at their seats. She never heard any of them. “but you might get close. For an Agnon.”